Fix It Friday! Follow-up After the Job Interview

I am frequently asked inquiries from prospective employers about how to follow up following the interview. What time should I be waiting and what should I say, and how should I convey the message. Here are some suggestions by the public.

Here’s the question I posted on Twitter in behalf of the thousands of job seekers who would like to know how and when to follow up after the interview.

“So you went to an interview two weeks ago and the company told you they’d get in touch on Friday. It’s Tuesday…what do you do? ?”

What is the reason for this and What Should We Do?

To begin, let’s look at what might be happening. Dorothy Dalton, of 3plus International, says that recruiters are currently overwhelmed and might not have a solution yet. She suggests waiting few days after the date of the agreement.

Many people recommend immediately sending a message of encouragement.

Virginia Backaitis, Technology talent Scout at Brilliant Leap She writes on tech and work. She advises sending your message to the manager who will be hiring you (the person you spoke to and who would be your report).

Why did you decide to make this decision? Because the manager who is hiring you is the person with the power to choose you. They may not have any other job requirements to fulfill and could be more than willing to respond.

Why the Company hasn’t Come Its Money Back

Be aware that there are many plausible reasons for why you’ve not heard anything at all. Timelines are delayed for legitimate reasons.

In fact I have written about the reasons why hiring decisions can be delayed. Check out the real reasons The Company has been silent after the interview.

However, you should follow the advice on continuing. Do not wait, keep searching.

What To Say?

Some people believe that your tone of voice can be a decisive element. Sonal Bahl suggests following up with empathy:

“Dear x,

I’m sure that things are busy for your current job so I thought I’d be sure to check in…etc.”

Follow-up with a text

If you’ve previously exchanged texts (SMS) with your company, why not utilize this method of communication to follow-up? Two recruiting agents, Robert Merrill and Ed Han agree.

Because text messages appear to be more responsive and are also shorter in length, it could be simpler for recruiters to provide you an update in a short time.

Some say Move On, but I disagree

Some suggest that you move to the next step if you don’t get a response after an interview, however I’m not sure. I believe you should be aware of what’s happening especially if you’re interested in the position or the company.

You might believe that a delay in responding is a sign of trouble, but you’re not aware of what’s really happening within the company. (Unless you have a friend ask within the company.)

The amount of your time energy is it going to take to write a courteous follow-up each week until you receive an answer? One minute maximum you think? It’s your responsibility to decide if it’s worth the time and desire to put into.

We are in an epidemic. There are many legitimate reasons why you might not be responding to you. While I’m not praising the employer’s inability to communicate but I’m suggesting that there could be a valid reason. Don’t be a judge and don’t presume.

The first possibility is an issue with the system or process or a person who is stressed.

Another view is that large and small firms have different procedures. This is why you should consider the size of your company into account. Are they able to respond appropriately?

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